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Biblically Responsible Investing

Money is mentioned in the Bible approximately 2,350 times, which we believe highlights its importance for believers. While the Bible does not provide specific guidance on investments or money management, it extensively addresses how believers should interact with and relate to money. This forms the foundation of Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI). Our clients can use their financial decisions to help build the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Our team has diligently developed a system that aligns your investments with your personal values. By using screening software, we have created a database that allows us to restructure portfolio building. This enables us to focus on investing only in companies that resonate with your beliefs.

For many, "Biblically Responsible Investing" or even "values-based investing" might be new concepts. BRI involves investing in companies whose business practices you can ethically support. It further refines values-based investing by specifically emphasizing Biblical values in your investment choices.

We strive to apply Biblical principles in our approach to managing money for interested clients. By doing so, we maintain control over our money, rather than letting it control us. We believe this leads to a freedom that many people have yet to experience—the freedom of trusting God with your finances. This opens doors for expanding the kingdom of God and bringing His glory into every aspect of our finances, following Paul's instruction to do everything for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

We also incorporate Biblical principles into our financial planning and charitable gifting strategies, offering practical ways to apply these treasured principles in your everyday life.

Please contact our team today to find out more!


"Your heart will be where your treasure is" (Matthew 6:21 NCV).

Values-based investing may incorporate criteria beyond traditional financial information into the investment selection process. This could result in investment performance deviating from other investment strategies or broad market benchmarks.

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